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Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace Plus Ewe 50 Pack
Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace Plus Ewe 50 Pack
A sustained release bolus containing copper, iodine, cobalt and selenium. Intended for adult sheep, gimmers and hoggs with a liveweight over 40 kg. 24'7 SMARTRACE PLUS ADULT SHEEP is designed for situations where copper, iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential in the run up to tupping, at scanning or over-wintering. It can also be given to rams in advance of the mating season....
ex VAT £70.50
Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace-ewes - 50pk
Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace-ewes - 50pk
A sustained release bolus containing iodine, cobalt and selenium. Intended for adult sheep, gimmers and hoggs with a liveweight over 40 kg. 24'7 SMARTRACE ADULT SHEEP is designed for situations where iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential in the run up to tupping, at scanning or over-wintering. It can also be given to rams in advance of the mating season. 24'7 SMARTRACE...


ex VAT £59.00

Agrimin Copper Bolus 4g Ewes 250 Pack
Agrimin Copper Bolus 4g Ewes 250 Pack
24?7 COPPER SHEEP are long acting capsules for the oral administration of copper to sheep. Intended for adult sheep, with a liveweight over 40 kg, on grass or forage based diets. 24?7 COPPER SHEEP is designed for situations where soil and forage copper levels are low or where known copper antagonists such as molybdenum, iron and sulphur are high. 24?7 COPPER SHEEP capsules are designed to maintain...
ex VAT £52.00
Agrimin Rumbul Sheep - 20pk Magnesium Bolus
Agrimin Rumbul Sheep - 20pk Magnesium Bolus
A sustained release bolus containing an alloy of magnesium, copper and aluminium. Licenced to aid the prevention of hypomagnesaemia in sheep and calves grazing rapidly growing spring grass. RUMBUL helps farmers manage the magnesium status of their flock or herd over high risk periods. This product is suitable for: Sheep over 30 kg AND Calves over 50 kg
ex VAT £33.30

Battles Twin Lamb Drench 150ml
Battles Twin Lamb Drench 150ml
A fast acting energy rich drench with essential trace elements for nutritional support of ewes carrying twin lambs
ex VAT £3.95
Coseicure Sheep Bolus - 50pk
Coseicure Sheep Bolus - 50pk
For use in areas of copper, iodine and selenium deficiencies and for the improvement of cobalt supply in sheep over 25kg.

Country Cobalt Selenium B12 DrenchCountry Cobalt Selenium B12 Drench
Country Cobalt Selenium B12 Drench
A concentrated oral Country sheep vitamin and mineral drench containing cobalt, selenium and vitamin B12 together with high levels of vitamins A, D and E. For lambs, calves, adult sheep and cattle.
from £27.00
ex VAT from £27.00
Country Sheep Vit/mineral Drench (no Copper)Country Sheep Vit/mineral Drench (no Copper)
Country Sheep Vit/mineral Drench (no Copper)
A concentrated oral drench containing multivitamins and chelated trace elements. Ready to use, free flowing liquid formulation. Ensures maximum bioavailability for fertility in ewes and thrive in lambs. Ewes - Use at pre-tupping, mid-pregnancy and at lambing (10ml dose for any size ewes) Lambs - Use for store and weaned lambs
from £33.85
ex VAT from £33.85

Country Sheep Vit/mineral Drench C/W CopperCountry Sheep Vit/mineral Drench C/W Copper
Country Sheep Vit/mineral Drench C/W Copper
A concentrated oral Country sheep vitamin and mineral drench containing multivitamins and chelated trace elements and copper. Ready to use, free flowing liquid formulation Ensures maximum bioavailability for fertility in ewes and thrive in lambs. Ewes - Use at pre-tupping, mid-pregnancy and at lambing. Lambs - Use for store and weaned lambs
from £39.60
ex VAT from £33.00
Country Twin Lamb 4 In 1 - 500ml
Country Twin Lamb 4 In 1 - 500ml
A complimentary feed which provides vitamins, trace elements, energy sources & appetite stimulants. For use at first sign of fatigue and in cases of twin lamb disease. Formulated for the ewe close to lambing. High levels of available energy. Added vitamins and trace elements to counteract deficiencies due to stress of pregnancy. Appetite stimulants to encourage feeding.
ex VAT £14.65

Ewe-Go Lamb DrenchEwe-Go Lamb Drench
Ewe-Go Lamb Drench
Tyndale Vet Practice have created a bespoke mix of oral calcium and energy for healthy ewes. Ewe-Go contains both energy sources and calcium. Twin Lamb disease (low blood glucose) and low blood calcium are common problems in ewes before lambing. Distinguishing between the two can be difficult. Ewes suffering from one problem are likely to be affected by the other to some extent. Ewe-Go contains both...
from £18.00
ex VAT from £18.00
Vetoquinol Ceto Phyton - 1l
Vetoquinol Ceto Phyton - 1l
An ideal energy source for animals at risk of ketosis in cattle and twin lamb disease in sheep. No other supplement contains the four constituents of sodium propionate, niacin, sylibum marianum, (the active ingredient in milk thistle) and monopropylene glycol, making it more effective than propylene glycol only products. Niacin and sylibum marianum help break the energy deficiency cycle and speed recovery....
ex VAT £23.80